2024 Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of the four elected officers (President, President-elect, Vice President, & Treasurer), the Immediate Past President, our three National Association Directors, four At-Large Directors and the Presidents and Presidents-elect of our three local Boards.
President Dan Savaro O: 340-474-5384 dan@coldwellbankervi.com
Coldwell Banker St. Croix, STX
President-Elect Walt Frazier O: 340-713-5547 C: 773-848-5517 walt@frazierpremierproperties.com
Frazier Premier Properties St. Croix, STX
Vice President Alexey Dubovoy O: 340-774-5277 C: 340-514-3643, alexey@seaglassproperties.com
Sea Glass Properties, STT
Treasurer Joel Lee 340-332-9827, joel@blueskyvi.com
Blue Sky Real Estate, STX
Immediate Past-President Martin Lauzze O: 340-642-8400, C: 727-403-0087 mlauzze@gmail.com
Rockstar Properties, STT
Director At Large Jamila Harris O: 340-643-3253 jamila@eaglerealtyvi.com
Eagle Realty, STX
Director At-Large Lisa Dupont O: 340-779-4478 elisedupont@icloud.com
340 Real Estate Company LLC, STJ
Director At-Large Dionne Nelthropp C: 340-643-0066 dionnenelthropp@yahoo.com
Hibiscus Homes, STT
St. Croix Board President Joy Elliott O: 340-718-5285 joy@calabashrealtors.com
Calabash Real Estate, STX
St. Croix Board President-Elect Kelly Pugh O: 340-773-1048 kellypughvi@gmail.com
REMAX/St. Croix Inc, STX
St. John Board President Paige Cope C: 678-642-0888 paige@islandiarealestate.com
Islandia Real Estate, STJ
St. John Board President-Elect Katie Zachary C: 340-227-3700 katie@holidayhomesvi.com
Holiday Homes of St. John, STJ
St. Thomas Board President Roosevelt David O: 340-775-9000 rooseveltstcdavid@gmail.com
John Foster R. E., STT
St. Thomas Board President-Elect Margo Lynch O: 340-775-9000 margoslynch@gmail.com
Christie’s International RE, STT
NAR Directors
April Newland 340-643-4347, anewland2@gmail.com
Newland Real Estate, STT
Gail Bourdon O: 340-773-1048 C: 340-277-4788, gail@avagailbourdon.com
RE/MAX of St. Croix, STX
CEO David B Bennett, RCE, CAE Toll Free: 1-844-848-2732 dbennett@vitarparadise.org
VITAR Mailing Address: Administrative Offices: 4590 Ulmerton Road, Clearwater FL 33762
Updated 1/16/24